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Beyond the Crags

Kyle Aarons


Senior Guardsman Apprentice, Adga, is an Illorc and a commoner, neither of which would qualify her for service as a Guardsman of the Combined Desert Realm. Whatever god it is that determines the destiny of those such as Adga, seems to have taken a special interest in her. How else can you explain the Royal Sponsorship Pin of House Shunral, which she wears, and which was awarded by Lord Alagor Shunral himself? Things however, may be about to change for Adga and the Combined Desert Realm, as the world outside of the Realm is about to manifest itself. When worlds collide, you expect things to get messy very quickly, but sometimes you can be so busy dealing with events around you, you really don't see it coming, until it hits you square in the face.

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