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In Skaters Time

Rick Beck does not write fluffy bunny stories. At times, they are gritty and very realistic. Yet they are always about love. Many of his stories are about the struggles we gay folk have had in times past. Rick is a terrific writer and knows how to pull your emotional strings.

Rick Beck


It's the end of your Junior year in high school. You live in a little no-name town in Massachusetts. You've just found out that your dad has taken a new job and your parents are moving to Southern California. You have some wiggle room though. A friend of your parents has agreed to host you for your senior year. You have a choice. Sounds of the Beach Boys play loudly in your brain. No one mentions you are gay, since no one but you knows. Do you go or do you stay?

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Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
