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Outside the Foul Lines Book 1

Rick Beck does not write fluffy bunny stories. At times, they are gritty and very realistic. Yet they are always about love. Many of his stories are about the struggles we gay folk have had in times past. Rick is a terrific writer and knows how to pull your emotional strings.

Rick Beck


John Dooley was gay. He knew he was gay. But living in a small town, smack dab in middle America, you don't go around advertising that little fact. Dooley became a baseball player in high school. Being an athlete and being gay was not something you let slip. At the university level, baseball was a means to Dooley's education, nothing more... Until it became something vastly more important.

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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
