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Book 1: What Else Is There?

Al is the nominal webmaster of Castle Roland. Al has collaborated with several other authors at the Castle. He has written a couple of stories, some good, some much better.

Al Norris


Being the oldest and growing up in a large family can be hard, especially when you are gay and the family is extremely homophobic. You are constantly being compared to your deceased father. A man whose stature and deeds are always increasing, as time goes by, and are held up as your goals. Anytime you come close to those goals, your mother moves the goalpost further away. You never seem to measure up. You are always being told that you are worthless and will never amount to anything since you cannot measure up to your father. It never mattered that you are a straight "A" student and that you are an athlete. Then when two Christmas' in a row come along and you received nothing, you have to wonder about your life... What else is there?

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Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Epilogue
