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Rick Beck does not write fluffy bunny stories. At times, they are gritty and very realistic. Yet they are always about love. Many of his stories are about the struggles we gay folk have had in times past. Rick is a terrific writer and knows how to pull your emotional strings.

Rick Beck


George, lands the job he has studied for and dreamed of. He is a stringer (cub) reporter for the 3rd largest newspaper in his city. George desperately wants to land a real news story or two to get his by-line on the front page! Doing that, will encourage his Boss to actually hire him as a staff reporter! A fender bender he is sent to seems to be just another blip that won't even see the back page. Except this one is a bit different than usual. As the story develops, things become downright nasty. How nasty? Well George isn't who people think he is...

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Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Epilogue
